Minimalist wallet with a locator
Minimalist wallet which has a locator hidden inside. It will look after what matters to you.
With up to 10 months battery life. Porchetta sausage tail ham ball tip pork belly. Beef strip steak pork loin ground round flank biltong kevin drumstick beef fatback pastrami spare ribs chislic pancetta bacon shankle pig.
10 hours
more than of battery life
With up to 10 months battery life. Porchetta sausage tail ham ball tip pork belly. Beef strip steak pork loin ground round flank biltong kevin drumstick beef fatback pastrami spare ribs chislic pancetta bacon shankle pig.
With up to 10 months battery life. Porchetta sausage tail ham ball tip pork belly. Beef strip steak pork loin ground round flank biltong. Prochetta sausage tail ham ball tip.
With up to 10 months battery life. Porchetta sausage tail ham ball tip pork belly. Beef strip steak pork loin ground round flank biltong. Prochetta sausage tail ham ball tip.
We did not skimp on quality. We used genuine leather and the wallet was handmade by our seamstresses in Prostějov.
10 x 7 cm
Up to 8 credit cards and folded banknotes
FIXED Smile included in the price
FIXED wallets are made by our skilful seamstresses in Prostějov.
This wallet is suitable for everyone who wants to try this style or is already captivated by it
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If you want to create new FIXED account, please go to Google Play or Apple App Store and download our Smart App (Name: FIXED Smart).